PRESIDENT – Anton SMIRNOV associate professor, PhD in Pathological Physiology.

Master's degree in ''Public Management and Administration'',
Master's degree in ''International Economic Relations'',
Bachelor's degree in ''Law'',
Honorary President of the Fighting Club ''Avangard''.

Anton SMIRNOV was born on April 11, 1991 in the city of Luhansk. In 2008, he embarked on his medical career by enrolling in the State Establishment “Lugansk State Medical University” at the Medical Faculty. Concurrently, in 2009, he started studying at the Faculty of Law at Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University. At the beginning of 2012, he started his career as the financial director of a consulting company in the field of international education. In 2013, he obtained a bachelor’s degree in “Law” from Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University and in 2014 he graduated from Lugansk State Medical University with a degree in “Medicine”.
Due to the events in Eastern Ukraine in 2014, he left Luhansk and engaged in the reconstruction of Lugansk State Medical University, which had been relocated to the city of Rubizhne. As the deputy dean, he dealt with issues of international recognition, recruitment, and education of foreign students.

In February 2018, he was awarded his PhD thesis in Pathological Physiology at Kharkiv National Medical University. In April 2018, he joined the advisory body Council of Rectors of Displaced Higher Education Institutions under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine as the secretary of the council.

In 2020, he obtained a master’s degree in “Public Management and Administration” and “International Economic Relations” from Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University. In 2021 he resigned from Lugansk State Medical University and started working at Kyiv Medical University as Associate Professor. Since November 2021 he is the President of the Private Establishment of Higher Education “Kharkiv Institute of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences”.
Anton SMIRNOV has 59 scientific publications and 6 utility model patents. His scientific work is related to research in the field of pathological physiology and law. Besides his professional activities in medicine and education, Anton SMIRNOV is the founder and owner of private enterprises in consulting, agriculture, and energy sectors. He is also actively involved in community activities and sports development. In 2017, with his support, the public organization Fighting Club “Avangard” was established in Kharkiv. Today, “Avangard” offers training in various sports for professional fighters, athletes, amateurs, and children. Currently, Anton SMIRNOV is the honorary president of this organization, and the athletes of “Avangard” participates and win prizes in various levels of boxing, Muay Thai, and MMA tournaments and championships.

Vice President – Oleksii KAPUSTIN

Oleksii KAPUSTIN was born on August 7, 1983 in Luhansk. He pursued his studies at Karazin Kharkiv National University, specializing in ''Translation'' (French and English) and at Luhansk National Agrarian University specializing in ''Economic Cybernetics'' and ''Accounting and Taxation''.
Since 2009 he worked at Luhansk National Agrarian University as Deputy Head of the Department of International Activities and Head of the Preparatory Department for foreign citizens. Due to the events in Eastern Ukraine in 2014 he left Luhansk and focused on rebuilding the relocated Luhansk National Agrarian University in Kharkiv. From 2015 to 2019 he served as Head of the Educational Department and managed the university's international activities. During his tenure, he was awarded commendations from Kharkiv Regional State Administration and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
From 2019 to 2021 he worked at the Institute of International Education and Professional Development of the Kharkiv National Agrarian University, overseeing the education of foreign citizens. Since December 2021, he was the Deputy Rector and since July 2022 is the Vice President of the Private Establishment of Higher Education ''Kharkiv Institute of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences''. His main areas of responsibility include the overall functioning and development of the Institute.

Head of the Academic Council – Viktoriia OSTAPENKO, PhD, Associate Professor

PhD, member of the Association of Anaesthesiologists of Ukraine, the European Society of Anaesthesiology, top-category anaesthesiologist at the Regional Clinical Hospital, chief expert in the specialty ''Anaesthesiology'' at the Department of Health of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration.
Viktoriia OSTAPENKO was born in Kharkiv region and graduated from Kharkiv State Medical University in 1998. From 2004 to 2006, she studied at Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, where she defended her thesis on ''The Market Model of Health Care Organization, its Advantages and Disadvantages on the Example of the TASIS Project in Zolochiv District, Kharkiv Region'' and graduated in specialty ''Healthcare organization Management''.
She defended her PhD thesis ''Problems of Microbiological Justification of the Principle of Creating Complex Antimicrobial Drugs with Preventive Properties against the Formation of Antibiotic Resistance''.
Viktoriia OSTAPENKO is the author of 9 scientific works, 5 of which were published in professional journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine. She has submitted two applications for declarative patents for inventions and utility models. She remains actively involved in clinical practice, treating patients and providing expert consultative assistance to colleagues.

Head of the Educational and Scientific Base - Natalia HONCHAROVA
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor in the specialty ''Surgery''
surgeon of the highest category

master's degree in the specialty ''Pedagogy of the higher school''
master's degree in the specialty ''Educational Institution Management''
master's degree in the specialty ''Management of organizations and administration''
master's degree in ''Philology'', Germanic languages and literatures (including translation), educational program ''Language and literature (English)''

Natalya Honcharova was born in 1983, graduated from Kharkiv State Medical University in 2006. In 2009, she completed an internship in the specialty ''Surgery'', in 2012 she defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences on the topic: ''Features of surgical treatment of complicated forms of chronic pancreatitis, taking into account the quality of life of patients''. In 2018, she defended her thesis for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences on the topic: ''Diagnosis and surgical treatment of complicated pseudocysts of the pancreas''.
In 2016, she completed her master's degree at the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, majoring in ''Higher School Pedagogy'', and qualified as a teacher at universities and higher educational institutions.
In 2017, she completed her master's degree at the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, majoring in ''Educational Institution Management'', and obtained the qualification of head of an enterprise, institution and organization (in the field of education and industrial training).
In 2018, she completed an internship at the National-Louis University School of Business ''Organization of didactic process, educational programs, innovative technologies and scientific work'', Nowy Sonch, Poland.
On December 18, 2018, he was awarded the title of associate professor of the Department of Surgery.
In 2019, she completed her master's degree at Kharkiv National University named after V.N. Karazina, majoring in ''Philology'', specialization - Germanic languages and literatures (including translation), educational program ''Language and Literature (English)''.
In 2019, she completed an internship at the Higher School of International Relations and Communications in Chelm ''European Program Evaluation Criteria and Evaluation Quality Standards - Polish Achievements'', Chelm, Poland.
In 2021, she completed her master's degree at the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy on the educational program - management of organizations and administration, specialty ''Management'', obtained the qualification - master's degree in management and administration.
In 2023, she completed an internship at the Research Institute of the Lublin Science and Technology Park, Lublin (Republic of Poland), ''Interactive technologies of mixed learning in the preparation of bachelors and masters in the countries of the European Union and Ukraine'', Lublin, Poland.
She is the author of 251 scientific works: 157 scientific articles and theses in professional publications of Ukraine and foreign countries, including 6 of which are cited in the Scopus database, 27 patents of Ukraine for utility models, 2 patents of Ukraine for inventions, 2 information sheets, 1 methodological recommendations for the practical part of health care, 1 monograph, 1 textbook, 2 study guides and 9 methodological instructions for students studying in English.

Head of the Academic Department – Tetiana ABDULLAIEVA

Tetiana Abdullaieva was born on August 24 1963, in Kharkiv. She graduated from the Dzerzhinsky Kharkiv Law Institute and the Yangel Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics.
She worked at the Leninsky district court in Kharkiv. From 2008 to 2020, she was employed at Kharkiv National Medical University as a specialist in the organization of the educational process.
Since October 2020 she has been an expert in the organization of the educational process and since December 2021 she is the Head of the Educational Department at the Kharkiv Institute of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.
Her main area of activity includes planning and organizing the educational process, ensuring the implementation of educational programs, and monitoring the efficiency and quality of the educational process.

International Students Support and Admission Advisor – Mohnish SELVAKUMAR

Mohnish Selvakumar was born in India on January 10, 1996. Having chosen Ukraine as the place to receive his higher education, he joined the State Establishment ''Lugansk State Medical University'', where he obtained a master's degree in medicine in 2019. In 2022, after completing the internship, he became a dermatologist.
From his student years, he demonstrated a deep understanding of international education, cultural characteristics of different countries, as well as high level of communication skills and became a representative of student self-government, leading the sector of foreign students.
Since 2022, he is an International Students Support and Admission Advisor at the Kharkiv Institute of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences and takes an active part in developing strategies for attracting foreign students, taking into account cultural and regional characteristics, providing support and consulting to foreign students on admission, adaptation and training, assistance in drawing up documents for obtaining a study visa, registration with the Institute and the Migration Service, as well as in solving household issues.