Education – The Path to Excellence


A wise person is not one who knows a lot,
but one who knows what is necessary.


At the Private Establishment of Higher Education “Kharkiv Institute of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences”, we develop the ability to solve complex problems in medicine and healthcare. 

TEACHING AND LEARNING: We focus on competency-based, student-centered, problem-oriented learning, fostering self-initiative and professional-oriented practical training. Students have the opportunity to create an individual educational trajectory.

Forms of Learning: Lectures, seminars, and academic conferences, practical and laboratory sessions in small groups, practice sessions, and consultations with instructors.

Methods, Techniques, Technologies: Diagnostic methods including anamnesis, clinical, laboratory, radiological, and functional diagnostics according to medical care protocols; technologies for diagnosing, treating, and preventing diseases, as well as managing and organizing healthcare work; basics of scientific research.

ASSESSMENT: Both ongoing and final assessments.

Forms of Final Assessment: Credit tests, differentiated credit tests, exams, certification in the form of a unified state qualification exam, including OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination).

In the assessment process, adherence to objectivity, systematicity, consistency, transparency, and accessibility of the evaluation methodology is mandatory.

Student achievements are evaluated using a 4-point scale, a 200-point scale, and the ECTS rating scale.


Personnel Support: The scientific and pedagogical staff involved in the educational component of the professional program have qualifications in their respective specialties, academic degrees, or titles, and demonstrate sufficient scientific and professional activity. The majority of the staff are full-time employees of the Private Establishment of Higher Education “Kharkiv Institute of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences”. Clinical department instructors are practicing professionals, fluent in both the national and foreign languages.

Material and Technical Support: Our facilities meet the requirements for the material and technical base necessary for higher education activities according to current Ukrainian legislation (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Resolution “On Approval of Licensing Conditions for Educational Activities” No. 1187 dated 30.12.2015, with amendments by CMU Resolution No. 365 dated 24.03.2021).

KHIM is equipped with sufficient premises for educational activities. Lecture halls are equipped with multimedia boards and projectors. Courses are supported by clinical bases, computer classes, modern laboratories, and innovative equipment. The Simulation Equipment Center is used to practice practical skills.

Informational and Methodological Support: Each educational program component and curriculum is backed by developed work programs and syllabi. Students are fully provided with educational and methodological materials for all disciplines, including practice; and methodological materials for student certification. The library collection is annually updated with new domestic and foreign medical publications, fully meeting student needs.