The Private Establishment of Higher Education “Kharkiv Institute of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences” is headed by the President. The structure of the Institute is approved by the President. The status and functions of the structural units of the Institute are determined by regulations approved by the Academic Council. The institute may include various units such as scientific, educational, research, and production institutes, as well as postgraduate and doctoral departments, clinical bases, preparatory departments, and training centers. In compliance with the legislation, the institute may create branches as separate structural units in order to meet the needs of the regional labor market in the relevant specialists and bring the place of study of higher education students closer to their place of residence.

Information about the Founders of the Institute, the size of its authorized capital, and the share of each Founder in the authorized capital of the Institute is available in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs, and Public Formations, as well as in the internal documents of the Institute.
GOVERNING BODIES OF THE INSTITUTE The governing bodies of the Institute are:
Founders General Council: The highest governing body of the Institute.
Supervisory Board: A collegial body that protects the interests of the Founders by supervising the Institute’s activities, including adherence to its founding purposes.
President: The sole executive and supervisory authority (official).
Academic Council: A collegial governing body that addresses important issues related to educational, methodological, scientific, and personnel policies of the Institute.
Working Bodies: Such as the executive committee, admissions committee, etc.
To address current issues, the President can establish working bodies like the admissions committee. The Rectorate, a working body formed to handle current issues, includes the President, Vice-President (Deputy President), Deans of Faculties, the Academic Secretary, the Chief Accountant, heads of structural units, the Secretary of the Admissions Committee, and other individuals as approved by the President.
Admissions Committee: Responsible for organizing the admission of applicants. The composition of the Admissions Committee is approved by the President, who also serves as its head. The term of office for the Admissions Committee is one calendar year.
Advisory Bodies: May be formed by the Institute’s governing bodies to propose solutions to specific issues. Institute employees participate in advisory bodies within their job responsibilities or on a voluntary basis. The governing body that establishes an advisory body defines its composition and approves its regulations.
Other working bodies may be established by the President or the Academic Council as needed. These bodies operate based on legislation, the Charter, and other internal documents, including regulations approved by the President or the Academic Council.
Public self-governance in the Institute allows participants in the educational process to collectively decide on the organization and provision of education, protect their rights and interests, organize leisure and health activities, participate in public oversight, and manage the Institute within the powers defined by law, the Charter, and other internal documents.
General Meeting (Conference) of the Labor Collective: The highest collegial body of public self-governance, including elected representatives from the students. The procedures for convening and making decisions are defined by the Charter and regulations approved by the Academic Council. The General Meeting can be initiated by the President, the Academic Council, or at least one-third of the Institute’s employees.
The General Meeting must represent all categories of participants in the educational process. At least 75% of the delegates should be scientific, pedagogical, and scientific-pedagogical staff working full-time, and at least 15% should be elected student representatives.
Responsibilities of the General Meeting include electing a labor dispute commission, approving internal labor regulations, and the collective agreement. Decisions are enacted by the President’s orders.
The Institute and its subdivisions also have student self-government, an integral part of public self-governance, giving students the right and opportunity to decide on educational and living issues, protect their rights and interests, and participate in Institute management. Student self-government includes all students of the Institute, who have equal rights and can be elected to various bodies.
Student Self-Government Responsibilities:
- Participate in Institute management as defined by the Charter and internal documents.
- Engage in discussions and decisions on educational improvement, research activities, leisure, health and living conditions.
- Organize various events including educational, scientific, sports, and health activities.
- Participate in activities ensuring the quality of higher education.
- Protect the rights and interests of students.
- Delegate representatives to advisory bodies.
- Address issues related to student living conditions.
- Propose developments for the Institute’s material base, including student living and recreation facilities.
General Assembly (Conference) of Students: The highest body of student self-government, which approves regulations, defines structure and powers, elects representative and executive bodies, evaluates reports, approves the budget, and elects an audit commission. The administration cannot interfere in student self-government activities, and decisions are enacted by the President’s orders.
Scientific societies of students, postgraduates, doctoral candidates, and young scientists, as part of public self-governance, operate within the Institute. They adhere to legislation, the Institute’s Statute, and regulations approved by the President.
Responsibilities of Scientific Societies:
- Adopt regulations governing their organization and activities.
- Conduct organizational, scientific, and educational events.
- Promote scientific activities among students, encouraging their involvement in research and innovation.
- Represent students’ and young scientists’ interests in scientific work and career development.
- Enhance the quality of scientific research.
- Facilitate information exchange among young scientists.
- Develop inter-university and international cooperation.
- Collaborate with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, and other research institutions.
- Perform other functions as defined by regulations and legislation.
The Vice-President facilitates the activities of student self-government and scientific societies by providing necessary facilities, furniture, office equipment, telephone communication, constant Internet access, and designated spaces for information stands.
Budget and Funding of the Educational Institution
The Institute, as a private higher education institution, is financed by its founders and from other sources not prohibited by law.
The Institute’s income is formed by payment by individuals and legal entities for the provision of educational services and revenues from other activities carried out in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.
The Institute does not receive public funds and is not subject to the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Transparency of Public Funds Use”.
The funds received by the Institute are used to carry out its activities in accordance with the procedure and under the conditions determined by the legislation of Ukraine and its Charter, including the development of its material and technical, laboratory and other bases, library fund, provision of licensed software products, internships for higher education students, etc.
Our Job Vacancies
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